Jeli: The Interactive, Wearable Pet

An Arduino Project


Project Overview


Jeli was created as part of a four-week assignment to conceptualize and build a “product with personality” for a course in Interactive Product Design. Taking inspiration from products like Tamagatchis and Furbies, my partner and I decided to create a wearable pet that you could take along with you during your day to provide you company and joy. Given that my partner and I were both interested in the intersection of crafting and electronics, we also decided to build this product with homemade sensors and sewn circuitry.

Collaborators: Christa Lee

Date: Fall 2013



Soft Circut Design

As its core, Jeli is controlled by a Flora microcontroller, which is is well-suited to circuitry and wearable products. We connected the controller to homemade sensors, including a potentiometer and a force sensor, with conductive thread. To create these sensors, we took inspiration from the work of Kobakant and used a mixture of copper tape, felted conductive fibers, and velostat. In addition to these soft sensors, Jeli also uses a microphone, neopixels, and a piezo buzzer to give him life and personality during interactions.


Functionality and Interactions


Pet Jeli

Stroke Jeli across the forehead on the homemade potentiometer to light up Jeli’s eyes and make Jeli coo.


Squeeze Jeli

Squeeze Jeli’s hand to make his eyes flash and sing a happy tune.


Frighten Jeli

If Jeli hears a loud noise, his eyes will flas in fright and he will make an alarmed sound.